Tax calculators under USA tax laws & many Mortgage calculators !
IRS tax calculator is a mobile app based on Internal Revenue Code or US Code 26 . The app also provides financial calculators for mortgage & various loan calculations .This app is for helping tax payers of United States of America.Users will get latest on various tax brackets, paycheck or payroll calculator, tax withholding calculator, failure to file penalty and also frequently asked question on filing of tax return, tax refunds and availing of various tax credit and deduction at their finger tips . One can easily estimate tax for a tax years using quick tax calculators. Further, various charts, tables, forms, videos and FAQ on US tax laws provides quick guide on a complex tax issues.There are so many rules and conditions attached to claim of deductions or tax exemption or filing of tax return. The question of tax residency under US tax laws is quite complex, But in this app you will get handy tools to get past that problem too. This mobile app is a true friend for all as it fits in your hand and always there for you to provide accurate information on federal income tax law. For example , if you desire to find out which form you need to fill out , you can visit the irs tax table page on the mobile phone .If one desires to know about some issues, one can try a search for terms in FAQ section. The coming days will issue many Frequently Asked Questions in a plain and simple English for user of this tax app. The IRS tax calculator app has following finders and modules to assist anyone who desire to check if he/she is resident of USA for tax purpose.1. Tax Calculator for Individuals2. Corporate Tax Calculator3. Mortgage calculators4. Tax Residency Finder5. Exempt Individual Finder6. Days Not Counted for Tax Residency7. First Choice Year Finder8. Various charts and tables for tax rates, tax deductions, exemptions9. Frequently asked question on filing of tax return, tax residency, tax exemption, credit and other issues under Internal Revenue Code...........Many more modules are going to be addedTax Bracket for the Year 2018-25 ( The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act) updatedCapital gains calculator for 2018 addedOther updates